Services And Support

We use your feed back to develop better service.

Real Estate Software is not software in a box. We are a fully serviced organization who will help you with setup maintenance and problem solving, while updating your product on an ongoing basis. We give you someone to call. Every RES customer gains the following from our services.

  • Secure Hosting
  • Automated Backed up Data
  • Register / repoint your Domain Names and email addresses
  • Web Usage Reporting
  • Data migration of logos / colours / brochures / templates /current properties
  • Initial Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Full Phone Support
  • Staff Training
  • Advice & Guidance
  • Remote Support and Review of your System.
  • E mail Management
  • Updates are provided at source, so no visits, purchase or meetings are required.
Services and Support

We use your feed back to develop better service …

If you do not have any solutions or you do and you despair that your provider does not help you, call you by your name or you call a help centre half way round the globe, Real Estate Software will provide you with the service you need..

I have no hesitation in recommending the Real Estate Software package and the support from eBuild Web Solutions that comes with it.

Enda Smith - CME Auctioneers